
رسم صابونة الحمام بـ الفوتوشوب Photoshop Bath Soap

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

رسم صابونة الحمام بـالفوتوشوب

[1]-First of all Open New Document of Custom size,Height & Width 450×600 pxl,Resolution 72 & Mode RGB Color
[2]-Now fill the Background with ‘bbe8e6′ color & then select ‘Burn Tool’ [URL=”http://adobeperson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/photoshop-bath-soap-logo-icon2.gif”][IMG]http://adobeperson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/photoshop-bath-soap-logo-icon2-thumb.gif[/IMG][/URL] & create the following shading
[3]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following shape with the help of ‘Pen Tool’ right click select ‘Make Selection’
[4]-In Make Selection ‘Feather Radius’ should 0 pxl,Tick on New Selection & then ok & your image should look like as shown below
[5]-Now fill the selection with ‘918f8f’ color & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’ & then press Ctrl+Shift+I & create the following shading
[6]-Now select ‘Dodge Tool’ [URL=”http://adobeperson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/photoshop-bath-soap-logo-icon7.gif”][IMG]http://adobeperson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/photoshop-bath-soap-logo-icon7-thumb.gif[/IMG][/URL] & Highlight the some parts like as shown below
[7]-Now press Ctrl+Shift+I & create the following shading with the help of ‘Burn & Dodge Tool’
[8]-Now go to Blending Options,select Color Overlay & use the following settings
[9]-Now your image should look like as shown below
[10]-Now select ‘Brush Tool’ & use the following Brush & Settings
[11]-Now select ‘ca0302′ color & then Open New Layer & create the following patchs with the help of ‘Brush Tool’ & after that create the following selection with the help of ‘Elliptical Marquee Tool’ with hold Shift
[12]-Now fill the selection with ‘5f9d99′ color & then go to Blending Options,select Inner Shadow & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Inner Shadow feature
[13]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’
[14]-Now fill the selection with ‘ff6c86′ color & then create the shading with the help of ‘Burn & Dodge Tool’
Thanks for read this Photoshop Tutorial.I hope you have enjoyed & learnt some Photoshop Techniques & the Final Image should look like as shown below

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