درس طريقة عمل إعلان Photoshop with Retro Photo Sticker
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
[h=1]Create a Vinyl Record in Photoshop with Retro Photo Sticker[/h] In this tutorial we will go through the few steps to [B]create a vinyl record in Photoshop[/B] and design a retro sticker for the same.
Final Image of the Vinyl Record with Retro Sticker
To do this tutorial,
[h=2]Create a Vinyl Record in Photoshop[/h] we need some raw assets.
1. Gramophone photo
2. Texture for background
Open a document 600×450 pixel, and paste the texture as the base layer.
Lets change the [URL=”http://psdguides.info/2011/10/bokeh-light-backgrounds-psd/”]background[/URL] color.
Press Ctrl+U to open the Hue and Saturation menu. Change the settings as below.
From the Custom Shapes, select the Registration Target 2. This shape is present by default in Symbol.
Load the shape and draw till it touches the top and bottom.
Select the texture BG layer. Duplicate this texture layer. On the top texture layer lets apply some halftone effect.
Now go to the Filters Menu. Select the Photocopy blow the Sketch section.
Apply the setting as below.
After applying the halftone change the layer blending to Softlight.
On the shape apply #9b3e01, red color.
Change the layer blending to Overlay.
The results are as below.
Now select the Gramophone layer .
Apply Photocopy filter which is under Sketch section, with following values.
Immediately after that apply halftone with below (second screen)
Add outer glow with some noise.
The result of this 3 effects you can see here .
Now make these 4 layers in a folder and hide it.
Create a new layer filled with white color.
Go to Filters Menu. Below find Noise filter. Adjust the amount to max.
Apply Radial Blur from the blur filter.
We get the result like this.
With the polygonal lasso tool draw a shape like below.
Apply Feathering of about 15 pixel radius.
Select Invert and delete the part by hitting the delete key.
The reults will be as below. This is the shine layer.
Create a ellipse with black color filled below the shine layer.
To give more emphasis on the shine we will apply a gradient color from the layer blending option.
Select the Transparent Rainbow gradient.
Change the blend mode and opacity as shown below with following values.
Now paste the first exercise we did on the center.
From the layer blend mode apply an outline of 15 px.
Make 2 more ellipse of 20 px and 100 px respectively.
Apply the following bevel on both.
For the 20 px, place it in the center, and apply black color overlay.
Create a ellipse tool little smaller than the disk, and invert the selection
this is to create a black edge of the disk. Now trim away the shine layer.
After deleting the edges the results will be like this.
The final result of how to